Continuously provide innovative solutions to clinical and health difficulties or pain points
MoreContinuously provide innovative solutions to clinical and health difficulties or pain points
Continuously provide innovative solutions to clinical and health difficulties or pain points
MoreProduct development for early detection and detection in the fields of cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and infectious diseases
MoreFocus on the creation of immune and molecular POCT production lines
MoreDedicated to breakthroughs in HPV self testing and AD blood screening products
MoreSelf-developed ctDNA liquid biopsy and unique tumor marker detection reagents and other tumor prevention and rehabilitation detection technologies are the core
A "refined" tool for postoperative follow-up management/self-management of bowel cancer patients
Can carry out common medical laboratory subjects including clinical cytomolecular genetics, clinical immunity, serological testing and other majors, mainly engaged in tumor genetic testing, testing services related to major infectious diseases
4月22日下午,國(country)家商務部外貿司劉長于(At)巡視員一(one)行莅臨上(superior)海良潤生(born)物醫藥科技有限公司開展關于(At)醫療物資出(out)口的(of)調查研究,此次調研旨在(exist)了(Got it)解企業醫療物資生(born)産及出(out)口基本情況、企業醫療物資質量管控的(of)工作(do)情況,以(by)及存在(exist)的(of)問題和(and)
根據上(superior)海市委書記李強11月17日在(exist)浦東調研專題座談會的(of)指示精神,按照祖亮書記的(of)指示要(want)求,爲(for)謀劃推動長三角自貿試驗區聯動發展,上(superior)海浦東新區楊朝副區長于(At)12月23日上(superior)午在(exist)浦東新區管委會主持召開了(Got it)長三角自貿試驗區企業座談
To Provide Innovative Solutions for
the Diagnosis of Critical Diseases
Seeking Truth from Facts
Pioneering on Our Innovation
To Be a Leading IVD Enterprise Driven by Liquid
Biopsy Technologies and Targeting International Markets
Simplicity Integrity Excellence